
Monday, December 5, 2016

Ham Banana Rolls with Cheese Sauce. Fancy!

Looking for a fancy dish for your next dinner party that I guarantee you your guests have never had before and won't see coming?

If so, nothing will deliver like bananas wrapped in ham and drenched in cheese sauce.

They will be talking about this one for months I promise!

A combination of flavours no one will forget anytime soon.

If, for some unknown reason, your guests decide to stick around and stay over, be sure to greet them in the morning with a plate of pan-fried ham, eggs and, of course, more banana. 


Finally, as an added bonus, cast your eyes on this delightful bit of presentation. Pineapple and banana is, in fact, a great combination, but since we eat with our eyes first...

See also: Fruit and Shrimp Hawaiian -- Quick and...ummm...Delicious!

See also: Tuna Almondine: Behold the greatness!


  1. Where did you get that recipe? Looks like the 50's.

    1. It is from the 50's. It is from a small, leaflet style book of banana recipes that was put out to promote bananas in the early 50s. To be fair it has a couple decent dessert recipes...but also a bunch of recipes like these!
