
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Singh's statement on Trudeau's brownface controversy needs to be heard in full

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh's powerful comments on Wednesday night about the Trudeau brownface controversy need to be heard in full. Since the photo came to light many have sought to diminish the racism inherent in wearing blackface or brownface and seem oblivious to the pain and hurt it causes for people who have faced systemic racism their entire lives.

Singh makes it clear just how offensive it is and why it needs to be taken very seriously.
There was no excuse for donning such an offensive "costume" in 2001, but Singh here does not seek to score the obvious political points.

He speaks to the many millions of Canadians who face racism as a daily lived reality and to the many millions of "people who’ve grown up with racism.”

Singh's full 5 minute video statement is embedded below.  

1 comment:

  1. Jagmeet made the most thoughtful and mature statement of the night. He avoided descending to the gutter with cheap political points.
