Monday, December 14, 2015

Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein

Originally published in 1951 in the debut issue of the American independent socialist magazine Monthly Review,  this short and yet very direct piece by Albert Einstein holds up very well in its call for a socialist economic and political order in the United States and the World.

It should not be underestimated the amount of courage it took at this moment in American history -- with the dawning of the Cold War and McCarthyism -- for such a prominent public figure to make such a strident and unrepentant call for an end to capitalism, which he describes repeatedly as evil.

In some ways the new order he envisioned seems even further away than it would have at the time.

And, yet, perhaps not. History and the people always have a way of surprising you.

Without any further ado, over to Mr. Einstein.

(Click on scans to enlarge)

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