Friday, December 13, 2019

Corbyn and the Press

"Communications are coming under the control fewer people. Concerns are spreading across the whole field of the media -- television, papers, publishing, theatre, cinema etc. A few people are in a position to impose their taste upon the masses, or to prevent the expression of certain views, and to wield their considerable economic power as they think best...

...Thus although we are constantly taught to believe that we inhabit a free and open society, we have in fact come to live in a remarkably closed system, even by comparison with other countries." - Two quotes from The People and the Media Report of the Labour Party, UK, 1974

"If our mainstream press has become a propaganda machine for the right-wing, it’s no wonder that the first openly socialist leader Britain has had in twenty years has been the victim of perhaps the longest continuous smear campaign ever seen against a politician in the UK...

...No other politician in the UK has faced the sheer volume of smear that Corbyn has. This article by the Independent calculated that 75 per cent of all press coverage of Jeremy Corbyn, factually misrepresented him.

When studying the last half century of political smears, Corbyn tops the chart. Smear campaigns against him, in terms of volume, makes the national newspaper attacks on the likes of Neil Kinnock, Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband look like April Fools jokes." - Jeremy Corbyn is the most smeared politician in history, 2019

"We can guess how future generations will view the current propaganda blitz depicting Jeremy Corbyn as a threat to Britain’s Jews. Not since 2002-2003, when sanctions-stricken Iraq, willing to allow months of no-notice UN weapons inspections, was said to be a ‘clear and present danger’ to the nuclear-packing US-UK, has the truth been so completely and shamefully distorted.

The level of madness is breathtaking, even by ‘mainstream’ standards." - Reopening Auschwitz – The Conspiracy To Stop Corbyn, 2019

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