Thursday, April 16, 2020

Peruvian Inspired Rotisserie Chicken

Last year I did a take on Peruvian style chicken adapted for the charcoal BBQ. Here we are going to do a similar dish, only this time for a whole chicken done using a more traditional rotisserie method.

For this recipe you want to use your oven rotisserie function and tools if it has one, or, better yet, a home rotisserie unit.  A whole chicken of around 3 or 4 pounds works best.

To begin you need to make a marinading paste for the chicken.

Paste Ingredients:

1/4 cup white vinegar
3 tablespoons white wine
3 tablespoons canola oil
3 or 4 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons cumin
sea salt and black pepper to taste

To begin, take all the ingredients and mix them together until they form a paste.

Place the chicken inside a large freezer bag and coat it all over with the paste. Let sit in the fridge for around 2-4 hours. You do not need to let it sit for longer than this and should not let it sit for more than 24 hours.

After resting in the paste before cooking.

Place the chicken onto the rotisserie and cook according to the instructions that accompany your rotisserie. Oven rotisserie and stand-up rotisserie times and temperatures vary, though generally the chicken will have to be cooked for around 20-25 minutes a pound.

Trust me, with this seasoning paste your house or apartment will smell fantastic as the chicken cooks!

Remember that according to Health Canada a whole chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 180 degrees.

After cooking let the chicken rest 10 minutes before carving.

It goes very well with some rice and roast potatoes as well as your favourite white wine.


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